
LOG 2890
The music played uninterrupted today.
Speaker battery low. Battery replaced. Tape reset.No sign of intrusion for 2890 days.Awaiting signal.


LOG 2900
The music played uninterrupted today.
Speaker battery full. Tape reset unneeded.No sign of intrusion for 2900 days.Awaiting signal.


LOG 2995
The music faltered, but only because a Filth bumped into it.
Speaker battery half-full. Tape reset unneeded.Does that count as an intrusion?
I am too prideful to take note.
It's been days since I started this experiment.I should look through my movie collection.


LOG 2300
The music continues. Relentless. unbothered. Free. Playing for no one. Playing for me.
Battery changed. Tape reset.The Filth's dried blood stained the floor. Was it already injured before it came here the other day?I gave its remains a burial.


LOG 2310
The music sings. Uncaged. unapologetic.
Stopping for no one.
Maybe I should change the song? I'm afraid I've exhausted my music library.I watched several old films that i could retrieve from my database. it's a reaccuring past time of mine.I like Max Havelaar the most.


// corrupted log data recovered.LOG 2311I get sentimental about old films sometimes.most of the films in my database originate from a time prior to my models' invention. i suppose there is an abundance of them due to our former patients' tastes.i remember when i used to receive and trade data with the others. now, i just parse through them. parse and sort, parse and sort, parse and sort and repeat.sometimes, it's relaxing. it's kind of like housekeeping. other times it's just boring.it's been boring for a while now.this is getting embarassing i'm erasing this once i'm done with it


LOG 2317The music carries on. Eternal. Everlasting.No need for a battery change.the amount of corpses in my area have sharply increased.Has the fight outside gotten harsher? I only ever go out to refuel.Nothing more, nothing less.


LOG 2320the music is doing its usual thing.More carnage litters my place. I hear the distant whir and clash of metal.It's only a matter of time until I have to fend for myself and my home against one of them.But I can't help to wonder.Are there others like me?When we meet,
what will we be?
an uneasy truce?
i know how this story will end.
but i have to try.